Web performance
Page speed > Web performance glossary
Page speed > Web performance glossary
Updated: March 26th 2016
Performance metrics are no longer only for the technical few.
These articles explain performance metrics and issues in a more uniform, complete and understandable manner.
The application cache is used to store and retrieve web resources. Loading resources from the cache is faster and more effective than loading from the network.
Brotli is a data compression format released by Google that provides superior results over Gzip in certain situations.
connectEnd is the time immediately after the browser finishes establishing the connection to the server to retrieve the current document.
connectStart is the moment in time when the user agent starts establishing a connection to a server to retrieve a resource.
CSSOM stands for CSS Object Model and it is basically a "map" of the CSS styles found on a web page..
DNS lookup time is the amount of time it takes a browser to complete a required domain lookup while getting a resource.
Document.readyState reports what stage a loading document is in (loading, interactive or complete).
domComplete is the time immediately before the user agent sets the current document readiness to 'complete'.
domContentLoaded represents that the html is parsed, no CSS is blocking scripts, and that parser blocking javascripts have executed.
domInteractive is the time immediately before the user agent sets the current document readiness to 'interactive'.
domLoading is the time immediately before the user agent sets the current document readiness to 'loading'.
A recorded moment in time when the browser first attempts to retrieve a document.
The first view performance metric replicates the experience of a user encountering a webpage for the first time.
Navigation start is the actual starting point of a page load initiated by a user by clicking a link or taking another navigation action.
The navigation timing API is an interface that provides web applications with timing-related information from browsers.
The redirect time measures the amount of time it takes to follow all redirects while requesting a resource.
requestStart is the moment the browser requests the current document from the server, relevant application caches, or from local resources.
responseEnd is the time immediately after the user agent receives the last byte of the current document or immediately before the transport connection is closed, whichever comes first.
responseStart is the time immediately after the browser receives the first byte of the response from the server, or from relevant application caches or from local resources.
secureConnectionStart is the moment in time immediately before the handshake process to secure the connection.
TCP connection time measures the time taken to establish the transport connection as well as other time intervals such as SSL handshake and SOCKS authentication.
TTFB represents the amount of time between a page request and the receipt of the first response byte.
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